What Does Sunday Morning Look Like at Saint Giles?
Music at St. Giles
From ancient plainsong to Taizé chant, from the richest hymnody of the Anglican and Protestant traditions to Shaker tunes, spirituals, songs from other cultures, and 21st century church music, we sing it all! Several times throughout the year our choir is featured in special services, such as Lessons and Carols in December and Choral Evensong. For more information on our music program, please contact Director of Music Jim Brown at music@saint-giles.org.
January 12 (Epiphany I) – Of the Father’s heart begotten (arr. D. Willcocks)
January 19 (Epiphany II) – Infinite Light (English traditional)
January 26 (Epiphany III) – The heavens are telling (F.J. Haydn)
February 2 (The Presentation) – O nata lux (T. Tallis)
February 9 (Epiphany V) – He, watching over Israel, from “Elijah” (F. Mendelssohn)
February 16 (Epiphany VI) – Jesus Christ the Apple Tree (E. Poston)
solo: Pecator videbit, from “Beatus vir”, RV 597 (A. Vivaldi)
February 23 (Epiphany VII) – The paper reeds by the brooks (R. Thompson)
solo: O rest in the Lord, from “Elijah” (F. Mendelssohn)
March 2 (Last Sunday after Epiphany) – Let all mortal flesh (E. Bairstow)
March 9 (Lent I) - O Love Divine (Irish Folk Tune, arr. J. Hudson)
March 16 (Lent II) - O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (H. Howells)
March 23 (Lent III) - Sicut cervus (G.P. Palestrina)
March 30 (Lent IV) - women: Eucaristica (P. Casals)
men: Si iniquitates observaveris (S. Wesley)
April 6 (Lent V) - Drop, drop, slow tears (O. Gibbons)
Hellmuth Wolff Organ
For information about our wonderful Hellmuth Wolff organ, click here.
Courtesy of Pipe Organs of Chicago Volume One authored by Stephen Schnurr and Dennis Northway, copyright 2005.